Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Agenda, September 4

1 Physical Science Diagnostic Test (completeness)

Miniatures Club - We appear to be set to start Miniatures Club this Friday.  I will need 10 minutes to introduce the club and then we can start.  I am at the complete mercy of my high school students for teaching our first game, Pirates.

This weekend I discovered a small snake behind me while working in a field.  With a diamond shaped head, it caused me to pause.  If a rattlesnake, it did not have a rattle due to its age.  Young rattlers do not have a rattle until they shed their skin.  It dove down a crack in the dried clay.  I hope not to see it again.
I also went sailing in a small boat on a small lake with, thankfully, a small wind.  Best comment overheard from the canoe with Katharyn and Kim in it was "We can't both sit on one side".  Kendra and I managed to stay dry.   Well, mostly.
 Oh, and Frozen Beverage Dispensers are quite expensive.  We will need to earn a good deal of money to buy one new for the Science workroom.