Friday, November 16, 2018

Agenda Friday November 16

Mrs Roberts is in Southern California right now working with another children's hospital.  She says the air is much better there than here.  She and I both grew up in the LA/Orange County area and know what bad air can be.  The air this past week is worse than some of the worse days in LA and when I was in college in Riverside.  My house here, in the Santa Cruz Mountains is at 2100 feet.  While not that high, it is above this layer of cold smoke floating over the south bay.  We are going to the movies this week for our wedding anniversary.

1 J21 CH8 Pre Reading due Monday Nov. 19
2 J22 CH8 Vocabulary due Fri. Nov 30
3 J23 CH8 Constructing Meaning due Fri. Nov. 30

For all of you staying at home because of the smoke, here, again, is the link for the textbook.:

Good luck and no excuses