Friday, November 14, 2014

Agenda November 14

1 J40 Marking the Text Instructions
2 HW CH4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 p73-87  Target Reading p79 only.  Due Fri. Nov 21

Preferred ways to receive video project in order of preference:
1 Posted online.  Send me the url.
2 email attachment if size will permit
3 USB flash drive.  I will return this.  Make certain it is taped to the grading sheet so I know who it belongs to.
4 CD/DVD  This is now an older option and not all CD's are readable by my machine.
5 Show me the video on the recording device.  Really?  Not the best option but if that is all that works then ok.

I will not be downloading any software or signing up for an account to view these videos.

Remember I need your grading sheet attached with all the names of the group members.  Also attach your script/rough draft so I can give you credit for that.

Aerodrome training starts today.   Camels and Triplanes to begin and then on to more exotic planes.  I was tempted to start with the early war planes since the 100th Anniversary of the beginning of WWI was this summer.

Oh yes.  Tomorrow is the 39th anniversary of my first date with my wife.