1 HW CH4.3 and 4.4 Directed Reading p73-82 Target Reading only p79 due Fri. Nov. 17
2 Marking the Text Ch4.3 and 4.4 due today
Colored pencils or markers or crayons are needed starting tomorrow for activities related to the periodic table of elements.
Aiming at Thursday, November 16 for Test on CH4.3 and 4.4 - The Periodic Table
I was aiming at a test on Tuesday, Nov 21 for the last bit, CH4.5, on radioactivity but we will see how the beginning of next week goes since I now have a chemistry lab I want to insert.
The drill went well yesterday. We are the safest place on campus and only someone with lots of time (which Sunnyvale Public Safety assures us won't happen) could get to us. We can evacuate the building in less than a minute and a half at a walk which was good to know. Now we just need the key to the janitor's closet and some velcro.