1 J72 CH7 Pre Reading due today
2 J73 CH7 Vocabulary due Friday March 3
3 J74 CH7 Constructing Meaning due Friday March 3
4 Turn in Art Project Speeding Up Chemical Reactions
5 Trimester 2 Agenda and Journal Check on Tuesday, February 28
An after the fact note. I got a text message from PG and E that the power was back on here at school after 5:30.
I was told once that school without the internet is like school in 1979. School without power is like school in 1879. Fortunately, this class had lessons that were not technology dependent. I think we forget that we live in a world that isn't totally harmless. As the Editors of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy wrote. We are "Mostly Harmless".
I am concerned that the district, in a cost saving move, took out all of our land lines and attached all our phones to the internet. You know, that thing that requires electricity. When I asked the district person about this when it happened, he assured me that if it does, we can send notes to the office and that it wouldn't be out for that long anyway. Thank goodness we didn't have any classroom emergencies.