1 Video Modern Marvels Acids
2 CFA Solutions
3 While I was swimming laps this morning I thought that because the tests may take some students a great deal of time, I did not want to use test taking time for scoring HW, vocabulary, Marking the Text, etc. I decided (somewhere near 750 yards) that I would not have the students score those assignments tomorrow, Friday as I had originally intended. Instead, I will collect any stamped assignments students wish to turn in and hold them until after the break. Homework packets too. Then, if students did not do the work on time, they would still have the whole vacation week to finish (and by extension, have to explain to parents why they had vacation homework). I think about a lot of things while swimming for half an hour. Mostly it is county and how I hurt or the last song on the car radio but sometimes it is planning how to best serve my students. [You don't have to copy this #3 all down]
4 Miniatures Club Aerodrome 3.0 and Frostgrave