1 Trade and Grade CH5 Test
2 Make up test Thursday, January 21
Yesterday's test is, historically, the most difficult test of the year. While it usually comes before Christmas, we have added some activities (PLC's) which pushed it back. The test isn't difficult itself. It is, in fact, a culmination of all the activities form Chapter 5. What makes it difficult is that students haven't studied. Many students did not finish the test because many students did not study. Many students will do poorly because many students did not study.
I have HS Freshman who come back every year and a recurring thread of conversations is that if you don't finish in the time given, you don't get credit for those questions you did not answer. One boy told me that a Homestead teacher said "If you knew the material, you would have finished". Please be advised that I am not aware of the possibility of make up tests at either Homestead or Fremont nor at any college I know of. SMS does offer make up tests so take advantage.
Miniatures Club: Dry brush rocks and Aerodrome 1.1