3 Warm Things that Happened to Me at the End of Summer
On Monday, August 10, I went to swim laps at Fremont High School. The Sunnyvale Sunn Swim Team was practicing and 5 swimmers (students) recognized me and I was greeted with a lot of warm "Hi Mr. Roberts".
On Tuesday, August 11, a former student stopped by school (yes I was here) and dropped off a bag of 20 rocks she found. They are all from her trip to Easter Island this summer. It was heart warming to realize she had though of me during her vacation.
On Wednesday, August 12, a different former student had his Eagle Scout Honor Court. During the ceremony, he gave out one award to the adult who had mentored him the most in his life so far. He picked me. I was very red so I must have been warm. I am greatly honored by this. It will remain a highlight of my career.