1 J63 CH6 Vocabulary due Fri. Jan. 16
2 J64 CH6 Constructing Meaning due Fri. Jan. 16
3 Pass Out White Boards
4 Make up Test on Thursday Lunch from 12:40 to 1 PM or after school.
I am working on a, sort of, Aerodrome tournament for Saturday, January 31 at the South Bay Game Club meeting in Saratoga. I was thinking about a 1PM start time to avoid the food issue.
Gaming Location 10 AM to 5 PM. Fellowship Hall - Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (12770 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga, CA)
Former students are encouraged to attend and either compete for the honor of their alma mater or to blast those up start whipper snappers into oblivion. Please email me if you fall into the emeritus category so I can make certain you have a plane. Remember, It is age and treachery versus youth and skill and you fall into the first category now.