Well here I am at a Stanford Clinic waiting for my wife to get out of surgery. She broke her arm/wrist when we went canoeing on the Russian River. Most people's response is "I didn't think canoeing was a contact sport". Most people forget galleys and ramming speed. Would that that would be part of the story but it is actually more mundane. What do 3 canoeists all do at the same time when a canoe tips to the right? You are correct. We all went over to the left. My wife says the boat was full of weight and I say girls don't know how to fall. I say girls. I should say women who do not participate in contact sports. I knew there was a reason for my daughters to become excellent soccer players.
I am here contemplating some new purchases. Bells for my daughter's wedding as a gift for all the guests. The groom says don't give them out until the end or it could get very annoying. He is astute. I am also considering security cameras for The Farm. The soon to be father in law (what does that make us?) made a suggestion so we can watch as the remodel gets done.
The remodel. We now have a sexy new septic tank. I say sexy because it starts with an S and what else makes it oxymoronic. The laundry room is gone and the Prickly Pear roots are being dug. That Prickly Pear deserves capitals.
I have been able to meet with Kevin at the SMS woodshop a couple of times. He has made great strides in making tanks and planes.
While writing this, my wife came out of surgery and everything went well.