1 Chapter 10 Directed reading. do Target Reading Skills p 175, 180, and 187. Due Friday March 22
2 Newton's Laws Video Project due Friday April 12 (that is the day before Spring Break)
3 CH 9 Make Up test today after school
Aerodrome 3.0 at the South Bay Game Club on Saturday was great fun. 3 former and 1 current SMS students attended making the sky a target rich environment for me. Sadly, I fell victim to their guns on 2 occasions. Still, lots of inspiration for another project.
I spoke with my neighbor about attending Miniatures Club and we are planning on Friday March 29. He is quite anxious to come. John is 90 and flew P47's in World War 2. If you are a parent (or follower) and would like to also attend, just drop me a note so I can expect you.