Monday, December 3, 2012

Agenda December 3

1 Flame Test Demonstration due today
2 WS Placing All Your Elements on Periodic Table Coloring WS due Tomorrow, Tuesday 12/4

This was started in class today

Well we had just over one foot of rain this weekend.  It did let up enough to put up Christmas lights but whenever a blow dryer goes on, the GFI circuit blows.  Still they are pretty though they point to the need to a rewire job.  Any electrical contractors out there?  Power did not go out in Santa Rosa though Tomas (our caretaker) says he needs a boat to get around the valley.

Miniatures Club Aerodragon update.  Amanda, David, Mario, and I tested the game and found it working with a couple of questions answered in-game.  It is funny that David knows the rules better than I do and I wrote them.