Monday, October 1, 2012

Agenda October 1

1 Trade and Grade Chapter 1 Measurement Test
2 Day 3 Activity (write up) Galileo's Marbles

Many student would like to make up Friday's test due to poor performance.  I will offer one make up test next week so I do not conflict with sports activities this week.  I have not decided on the day other than it will not be on a Friday and it will be after school.  Given the number of hands that went up, one half of my students feel the need to take the test.  I will limit space using, as of yet, some predetermined criteria.  I may or may not offer a make up on Chapter 2 so please be PREpared. (ah see what I did there?)

Miniatures Club - Mr. Realini (and Mario) made a twenty player double elimination tournament tree.  It is available on