Here are some pictures. Oh, Hi Mom
We are just in from Gettysburg and are settling in for the evening. As an editorial note, children need to learn how to use their technological devices for good instead of... no wait, I mean, how to use it rather than just play with it. As a tool for their intelligence as opposed to an electronic endorphin generator. But I digress.
We walked around the White House and then went off to the Vietnam Memorial. This is a place of contemplation and reflection. The statuary near by evokes the stress and emotion of the participants. The Holocaust Museum was next. There is a children's portion called Daniel's Story which is the story of a 13 year old boy's experiences. The story is poignant and the kids will remember this for awhile. As I told them, it is important to remember so things like this never happen again.
Gettysburg was great. There has been a light drizzle/rain today making the visit to Devil's Den a bit exciting. We also stopped at the eternal flame Peace Memorial and the top of Little Round Top. Dinner was at General Picket's Buffet which is on the actual battlefield. The Park Service has been working for several years to restore the battlefield to the way it looked in 1863. To this end, they purchase businesses and homes as money becomes available and then tear them down if they were not there in 1863. I understand that in the 1960's there were many more cafes, service stations and souvenir shops than there are today. The fields are quiet and peaceful.