Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer 2015 Half Way

Well, summer is half over.  Or, more optimistically, we still have half a summer to go.  Either way, don't let anyone tell you that summer is 3 months long. 
Kauai and my dad both went well.  Thanks to a generous donation from Pete at the South Bay Game Club, we can start a new period in the Miniatures Club.  The South American Wars of Liberation.
4th of July went well.  Here is my attempt of attaching a video:

Thanks to future freshman Ben and son-in-law Michael, we have a new way to distinguish counters for DBA that is much easier.
I am looking forward to 2 weeks at the Farm

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Kauai 2

My dad came through faster and easier than the doctor expected.  Now, on to recovery.
Today was Waimea Canyon.  We also made it to sunset on Ke'e beach.  This is the absolute extent of driving on the island.  Tomorrow we hang out by the ocean and buy souvenirs.