Friday, December 18, 2009

Agenda Dec 18

1 Check Homework Chapter 6 (due today)
2 Check Journal 40 Chapter 6 Vocabulary
3 Check Journal 41 Chapter 6 Constructing Meaning
4 Homework Classify Reactions and Balancing Equations WS due Jan 4
5 Chapter 6 Test on Tuesday Jan 5

Whew what a day.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Agenda Dec 17

1 Zinc Hydrochloric Acid Lab
2 Video: Brainiac Alkali Metals (don't mix alkali metals with water)hehehe

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Agenda Dec 16

1 Journal 44 Catalysts and Activation Energy
2 Lab: Endothermic versus Exothermic Reaction
3 The HW packet will be graded for completeness not correctness so make certain you get it all done. Especially those three pages with just a few questions.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Agenda Dec 15

1 Journal 42 Types of Chemical Reactions
2 Journal 43 Balancing Equations
3 HW Chapter 6 (p105-122) due Friday (yes Friday) Dec 18. This assignment will be graded on completeness not correctness. Each page with answers (and there are 11 of them will be worth one point if all the answers are present. An answer key will be posted on Friday so you can check for accuracy.
4 Chapter 5 make up test is today after school.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Agenda Dec 14

1 Tech Museum Field Trip Worksheet due today
2 Chapter 6 Reading Packet work in class
3 Chapter 5 make up test tomorrow after school

Friday, December 11, 2009

Agenda Dec 11

1 Journal 40 Chapter 6 vocabulary (p211) due 12/18
2 Journal 41 Chapter 6 constructing meaning due 12/18
3 High School hand out. Make sure that parents see this
4 Make up test on Tuesday after school

Chapter 6 Vocabulary and Constructing Meaning
Chapter 6 Vocabulary
Physical property Chemical property
Physical change
Chemical change
endothermic reaction
exothermic reaction
Chemical equation
Conservation of matter
Open system
Closed system
Activation energy

Chapter 6 Constructing Meaning
1 Contrast- What is the difference between the reactant and the product of a chemical reaction?
2 Contrast- What is the difference between physical properties and physical changes?
3 Contrast- What is the difference between an exothermic and endothermic reaction?
4 Contrast- What is the difference between an open and closed system in chemical reactions?
5 Cause and Effect- How can catalysts affect the activation energy of a chemical reaction?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Agenda Dec 10

1 Chapter 5 Test

Today was Delta House's trip to the Tech Museum. All of my students who were gone will take the make up on the day our house goes to the Tech or next Tuesday after school.

Agenda Dec 9

1 Review for Chapter 5 Test which is tomorrow

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Agenda Dec 8

1 Journal 39 Metallic Bonds
2 Activity: Penny lab II, hydrogen bonding. Due at end of class today
3 Chapter 5 test WILL be Thursday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Agenda Dec 7

1 Journal 38 Polar Bonds
2 Check Journal 32 CH 5 Vocabulary and Journal 33 CH 5 Constructing Meaning
3 Check all 3 Worksheets for Chapter 5 due today
4 Review the answers for those same work sheets
5 Aiming at Chapter 5 Test on Wednesday

SNOW at my house this morning. I left at 6:15AM and drove through huge flakes falling on Summit Road in blizzard fashion. The snow didn't turn to rain until all the way down at Idylwild and 17. Here some pictures (mainly for the daughter who was snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef yesterday)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Agenda Dec 4

1 Activity: Comparing Chemical Bonds (the worksheet for this will be due on Monday Dec 7)
2 Vocabulary and Constructing meaning Journal check is moved to Monday.
3 CH 5.2 Enrich and CH 5.3 Review Worksheets are due on Monday.
4 CH 5.4 Review and CH 5.4 Enrich Worksheets are also due Monday.
(Lots due on Monday)

Go LGHS vs Wilcox in the CCS game on Saturday night.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Agenda Dec 3

1 Journal 37 Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compounds
2 Trade and Grade Chapter 5 Homework packet
3 Yesterday's review worksheet is now due on Monday instead of tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Agenda Dec 2

1 Review and Turn in Bonding with a Classmate worksheet
2 Review Element Project Written Report (Self Assessment)
3 Chapter 5.1 and 5.2 Review worksheet due Friday 12/4

Hey guess what? I do my yard duty in front of school in the mornings. It is now December and some parents still insist in dropping off their children inside where the buses go and the teachers park. This is hazardous to the students so now when I catch people doing this, I am going to photograph them and post them here. I might even left Sunnyvale Public Safety know too. If you want to know where this is coming from, I got really "dissed" by a mom who was using the lot to cut ahead of the traffic. So if you see a friend's car in this space, let them know.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Agenda Dec 1

These pictures are for my daughter in Australia to see. Hi Katharyn

1 Journal 36 Writing Names of Compounds (p185)
2 Activity Ionic Bonding with Classmates (worksheet due tomorrow)